Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 267 797-5029

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    Clinical Mental Health Counseling Services

    Insurance and Non-Insurance Accepted Services:

    Clinical Mental Health Counseling for Kids, Teens, and Adults

    Missy accepts insurance as a provider through Headway, please click the link below to be directed to the provider website, and PA state insurance for children with ASD/ADHD

    Cigna, Oscar Health, United Healthcare, Oxford, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield [Magellan]

    Non-Insurance [Charity] Provider through Open Path 

    Humanitarian Support Trauma Therapist for Brainspotting-Help International Foundation, Europe [volunteer trauma therapist on front lines of Ukraine]

    Private Pay (cash only) Note: Brainspotting is a cash only therapy treatment, at this time.

    $150 per hour session 

    $250 to $550 per emotionally rewired intensive 

    $300 Private Pay Counseling Consultation 2 hrs Parenting Class to address the child’s and parent’s attachment needs. [both neuro-divergent and neuro-typical children]

    Clients will be seen at The Brain-Hack Cafe for private therapy sessions, if required. Otherwise appointments are via telehealth, HIPPA compliant Simple Practice Platform.

    Hours are by appointment only and start no earlier than 7am and end no later than 7pm weekdays M-F

    Services are Trauma-Informed and Multicultural Counseling Informed.

    Anger Management.    Autism.   Child & Adolescent Therapy.    Counseling for Friends & Family of Addicts     Counseling for New Mothers.    Counseling for Trauma.     Emotion-Focused Therapy.   Mindfulness Health & Wellness Coaching.     Mindfulness-Based Therapy.   Pet Loss.     Telehealth.      Therapy for Chronic Illness  Therapy for Teens        LGBTQIA+ Individual Therapy.    Group Therapy  

    There are many types of emotional trauma causes and they all share a common consequence in the brain; it changes it. 

    Trauma triggers hideout in the deeper subcortical area of the brain that is not easily accessible with a talk therapy only approach. Thus, to move towards purpose (i.e. to be unstuck, unblocked, improve performance, feel again, trust oneself), one must go inward into the depths of their mind and body connections. There are many well-researched techniques that are known to assist a person to enter into their state of self-awareness like Yoga and EMDR, the modality in which Brainspotting (BSP) was discovered, but the attunement is a core construct of BSP and it’s versatility as a psychotherapy tool to be easily incorporated into other existing evidence-based approaches means it is used as a staple inclusion within most of the brain-hacks (eclectic therapeutic smashup of interventions) facilitated.

    Visit for detailed information and research.

    [note: trauma exposure(s) during one’s early developmental years can lead to missed windows of neurodevelopment, as well as biological factors and physical impairments might possibly impact processing times and outcomes. However, the brain is always changing, resilient, and never can be underestimated!]

    Brainspotting Therapy (cash only)

    Want to improve your skills in sports, the arts, test-taking, and public speaking to name a few? The holistic aspect of Brainspotting means it is possible that associations with the trauma trigger(s) are also rewired. Therefore, you can improve your focus, confidence, and self-control using BSP. Your brain evolved to help you; it is just misinterpreting the perception of threats. Rewire your instincts to engage with curiosity, fascination, orientation, and excitement…..

    Trust your brain….Trust the process…..Trust yourself!!

    [note: trauma exposure(s) during one’s early developmental years can lead to missed windows of neurodevelopment, as well as biological factors and physical impairments might possibly impact processing times and outcomes. However, the brain is always changing, resilient, and never can be underestimated!]


    Yes, you can...Emotionally Rewire Unwanted Mind-Body Symptoms Like:

    If you have experienced or are currently experiencing any of the following symptoms then it is likely you have a trauma history (for example, everyone’s birth was traumatic and then it lives/goes on from there):

    • a freeze response like the inability to speak or move
    • a heaviness or no sensation felt in your body
    • eating irregularities; sleep disturbance
    • excessive worry; palpitations
    • a felt sense of numbing or disconnection from reality
    • a sudden unexplained impulse to lash out 
    • a need to escape
    • told you overreacted or exaggerate 
    • stutter
    • panic disorders
    • decrease dramatic Tremors caused by Chronic Pain and PANDAS
    • bowel and or urine issues
    • ruminating thoughts
    • think the worst-case scenarios
    • doubtful negative untrusting thinking
    • a felt sense of holding oneself back
    • flashbacks
    • depression
    • anxiety
    • unexplained pain
    • anything considered WEIRD
    • personality disorders

    Anger Management.    Autism.   Child & Adolescent Therapy.    Counseling for Friends & Family of Addicts     Counseling for New Mothers.    Counseling for Trauma.     Emotion-Focused Therapy.   Mindfulness Health & Wellness Coaching.     Mindfulness-Based Therapy.   Pet Loss.     Telehealth.      Therapy for Chronic Illness  Therapy for Teens        LGBTQIA+ Individual Therapy.    Group Therapy